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EcoTwo's Program



Toddlers are establishing their identity. Who am I, and who is in charge? The toddler period is a time of exploration, questioning and discovery.

That is why our program is designed taking into consideration the following qualities:


  • Safety: one of the most important concerns in our center. In our safe environment, children are able to move about freely and explore without parents worrying about their children getting hurt.

  • Convenience: in our school we make sure that the equipment is arranged in a way that’s clear and visible for everyone.

  • Health: is a fundamental issue when caring for infants and toddlers.

  • Child-Size Space: our environment is especially designed to fit infants and toddlers so they can reach what they want and explore what interests them.

  • Flexibility: we have created flexible classrooms, with adjustable equipment that grows with the children.

  • Comfort:  our confortable environment creates a calming atmosphere and allows both infants and caregivers to function without stress.

  • Choice: in order to support children's development, our environment allows children to make choices.

  • Movement: our infants and toddlers baby center encourages movement. Since children will move whether it is safe for them or not; our environment is especially designed for safe exploration.

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